Dr Charléne Heyns-Nell
Discover Your Amazing Brain
An easy guide to understanding your brain and improving your life
Now available!
Genre: Non-fiction, educational, self-improvement
Pages: 148
Format: Paperback
"You have been restructuring your brain for as long as you have been alive. And you will continue to do so for the rest of your life."
We are excited to present to you this easy-reading guide to learn how to understand how your brain works and how you can use your own thought processes to improve your life!
You will learn how thoughts are formed, and how your five senses, emotions and way of thinking influence your mental and, therefore, your physical well-being. By understanding how your own thinking can change, and by following various techniques, you can improve your life!
"The answer in living your life well lies within you. You have been created by God to live a meaningful life. That is a truth. You were set up by Him to live a life of success and to accomplish amazing things. Of course, sometimes you might feel like you are out of your depth, like you are on a treadmill, or perhaps finding yourself in a desert-like Siberia. But there are also times when you are winning your race. This is the cycle of life. Too often we live life in absolutes. We must either be successful or otherwise we are a failure. This is an untruth."

"Our brain research has been done in our lab with organisations, educational institutions, and individuals over 11 years. The results of this research assisted in writing this book, in order to help you in practical ways to deal with different aspects of your life."
Dr Charléne Heyns-Nell is a Neurofeedback practitioner, brain researcher, and strategist. She is the founder of Neuroscience Institute for Business, where she and her team help private clients and individuals within organisations to optimise brain performance. She is also a professional speaker to corporations (both public and private), educational institutions, and churches.
Dr Charléne lives in Cape Town, South Africa. She is married and the mother of two daughters.
Visit her website here and watch the video below to meet the author and learn more about this book.
Cost: R220 (excluding delivery)