Ilze Viljoen
Tell your story
A memoir of faith, hope, and love
Now Available!
Genre: Non-fiction, memoir
Pages: 68
Format: Paperback
Tell your story is a work of obedience. Eleven years ago, God started working in Ilze’s heart to write down and share her remarkable journey of learning to have faith, hold on to hope, and finally to love without reservation despite having gone through terrible tragedies, trials, and tribulations. Now she can only testify of God’s faithfulness where once her heart was securely locked and “protected” against trusting and loving others deeply.
The nudging has never gone away, and now she has finally done it!
Enjoy reading this true and inspiring story with which many can relate, especially in South Africa. Ilze believes that everyone has a story that can help others in some way. We are not alone in our journey of life. It is her hope to inspire you to tell your story once you’ve finished reading hers.

ILZE VILJOEN is first and foremost
a daughter of the King. She is
happily married and has three
wonderful children. They live in the
lovely Cape Town, South Africa.
Cost: R125 (excluding delivery)