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Keeping the faith, regardless

Writer's picture: elainebroekmanelainebroekman

While I worked on the Afrikaans compilation of inspiring testimonies, "Net 'n komma, nie 'n punt nie" ("Just a comma, not a period"), I was once again plunged into a deep and refreshing pool of awe and wonder of our Father God. Our Abba Father.

The things people go through.

I closed my eyes many times and thanked God for sparing me (thus far) from what seems like insurmountable pain and loss. Yet, people still stand in their faith. They have, according to my meagre and one-sided understanding, run the race, bore their crosses, paid their dues and whatever other clichés there are to describe such tenacity and humility. If not for their faith, most, no, all of them would have folded under their circumstances. They all confess to this. Some of them experienced the miraculous. Some of them simply had to "faith" it out. My hat comes off to all of them, though.

Keeping the faith, regardless of what you're going through, is REALLY what it's all about. It is easy to love God when things are going smoothly, it's not so easy when it's tough. Jesus was the perfect example of this. He also had to really trust God. Remember that He was fully man as well. He had a physical body that could feel pain. He also had only his faith to carry Him through. He also didn't want to go through pain and suffering, but God knew that this was the only way that the most perfect plan ever constructed could be executed. By being executed. By being the ultimate example of selflessness, obedience, humility, perseverance and love. Christ suffered so that we could be reconciled with the Father. Not so that we never have to suffer. In fact, He told us we would! But He did promise an eternal reward if we stand until the end. If we run the race. If we bear our own crosses.

Each person's "cross" will help another person find life. In the Book of Revelations the Bible says that we will conquer the evil one by the word of our testimonies. To have a testimony, however, some suffering has to occur. Some people suffer far more than others. I believe they will help others far more as well. In some sense, they are a little bit like martyrs. Their suffering will not go unseen by their Audience of One, because, ultimately they suffered for Him.

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